6163银河.net163.am(CHINA)官方网站 - 百度百科
Instructions for Outpatient Service
Full-scale time-frame registration booking and consultation
How to register
Guide for Medical Consultation of Health Insurance Covered Patient
Health insurance reimbursement procedure for medical referrals
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About Us
NINGBO MEDICAL CENTER LIHUILI HOSPITAL, founded by the patriotic overseas Chinese Mr. Li Huili in 1993 and supported by the municipal government of Ningbo, is among the first volume of Grade III Level A general hospitals of Ningbo. In 2011......
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Department Specialists
Internal medicine
Medical other
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Key Disciplines
Department of Cardioth...
Department of Cardiova...
Hepatobiliary and Panc...
Department of Otolaryn...
Department of Sports M...
Thoracic Surgery
Anorectal Surgery
Breast Surgery
Department of Neurosur...
Department of Neurolog...
Clinical Pharmacy
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